Full-time teacher and SEN TLR. Religion, philosophy and ethics degree with most resources covering these topics. Also a teacher of PSHE in a standalone dedicated department so also resources that cover a wide variety of subject relevant topics.
Full-time teacher and SEN TLR. Religion, philosophy and ethics degree with most resources covering these topics. Also a teacher of PSHE in a standalone dedicated department so also resources that cover a wide variety of subject relevant topics.
This is a 12 lesson unit of work on inspirational people. Two of the lessons are independent tasks ideally for use in a computer room, but where this is not possible, they could always be completed for homework.
This includes PowerPoints on the following:
Nick Vujicic
Desmond Tutu
Katie Piper (1 + 1 independent)
Malala Yousafzai
Marcus Rashford
Volodymyr Zelensky
J.K. Rowling
Greta Thunberg
Keanu Reeves (1 + 1 independent)
It also includes a 36 page word document - This is a workbook for students to complete the tasks in. It does not have to be used if you would rather use exercise books.
This is the eleventh and twelfth lesson in a 12 lesson unit of work on inspirational people. There is a work book pack that can run alongside it and be found on my sellers page (it does not have to be used if you rather exercise books).
This lesson focuses on Keanu Reeves… It can be used as a standalone lesson, as the beginning ‘retrieval’ slide can be removed.
The ‘twelfth’ lesson is direction for an independent task in a computer room, so is only one slide long and this is reflected by not pricing as if it is two full lessons. It could be used as homework if no access to a computer room is possible.
This is the tenth lesson in a 12 lesson unit of work on inspirational people. There is a work book pack that can run alongside it and be found on my sellers page (it does not have to be used if you rather exercise books).
This lesson focuses on Greta Thunberg. It can be used as a standalone lesson, as the beginning ‘retrieval’ slide can be removed.
This is the ninth lesson in a 12 lesson unit of work on inspirational people. There is a work book pack that can run alongside it and be found on my sellers page (it does not have to be used if you rather exercise books).
This lesson focuses on J.K Rowling. It can be used as a standalone lesson, as the beginning ‘retrieval’ slide can be removed.
This is the eighth lesson in a 12 lesson unit of work on inspirational people. There is a work book pack that can run alongside it and be found on my sellers page (it does not have to be used if you rather exercise books).
This lesson focuses on Volodymyr Zelensky. It can be used as a standalone lesson, as the beginning ‘retrieval’ slide can be removed. This can be bought as part of a bundle at a reduced cost.
This is the seventh lesson in a 12 lesson unit of work on inspirational people. There is a work book pack that can run alongside it and be found on my sellers page (it does not have to be used if you rather exercise books).
This lesson focuses on Marcus Rashford. It can be used as a standalone lesson, as the beginning ‘retrieval’ slide can be removed.
This is the sixth lesson in a 12 lesson unit of work on inspirational people. There is a work book pack that can run alongside it and be found on my sellers page (it does not have to be used if you rather exercise books).
This lesson focuses on Malala Yousafzai and the challenges she has overcome. It can be used as a standalone lesson, as the beginning ‘retrieval’ slide can be removed.
This is the fourth and fifth lesson in a 12 lesson unit of work on inspirational people. There is a work book pack that can run alongside it and be found on my sellers page (it does not have to be used if you rather exercise books).
This lesson focuses on Katie Piper and the challenges she has overcome. It can be used as a standalone lesson, as the beginning ‘retrieval’ slide can be removed.
The ‘fifth’ lesson is direction for an independent task in a computer room, so is only one slide long and this is reflected by not pricing as if it is two full lessons. It could be used as homework if no access to a computer room is possible.
This is the third lesson in a 12 lesson unit of work on inspirational people. There is a work book pack that can run alongside it and be found on my sellers page (it does not have to be used if you rather exercise books).
This lesson focuses on Desmond Tutu. It can be used as a standalone lesson, as the beginning ‘retrieval’ slide can be removed.
This is the second lesson in a 12 lesson unit of work on inspirational people. There is a work book pack that can run alongside it and be found on my sellers page (it does not have to be used if you rather exercise books).
This lesson focuses on Nick Vujicic and the challenges he has overcome. It can be used as a standalone lesson, as the beginning ‘retrieval’ slide can be removed.
This is the first lesson of a unit of work investigating different inspirational people. This is the introduction lesson that can be used as a standalone lesson, or as a whole unit of work. In the unit of work package (found on my sellers page - this is a single PowerPoint), there are all the PowerPoints included with a word document created workbook.
This is a unit on medical ethics, including religious perspectives. The unit includes 6 x 1 hour lessons with all handouts/printing documents, with plenty of opportunity for discussion and debate. It also includes an A4 knowledge bank that covers all key aspects, for the purpose of revision and summary, should you wish to have an end of unit assessment (assessment not included). The lesson titles are:
Medical ethics introduction
Blood and organ donation (NHS campaign, law changes, general information, Jehovahs Witnesses’)
Quality of life (Health related and non-health related, case study on dementia patients, case study on doll therapy for QoL for dentia patients, sanctity of life)
Euthanasia (Sanctity of life, types of euthanasia and the legal implications, Christian and Islamic perspectives)
Abortion (When does life begin, pro-life view, pro-choice view, Roman Catholic perspective, Wade vs Roe debate and law changes which include two sensitive case studies of women denied necessary medical abortions since the laws have changed)
Capital punishment (Derek Bentley case study, careers affected if capital punishment was legalised in the UK , e.g, doctors, pharmacists, police.
This lesson focuses on abortion and medical ethics. Covering Pro life and Pro choice views, including Roman Catholic. This leads to looking at the over turning of Wade vs Roe with two emotional case studies of women who have suffered since state laws have changed. This lesson can be bought as a part of a bundle at a reduced cost.
This lesson focuses on euthanasia and the ethics of whether or not it should be legal. This also looks at the careers that would have to adapt or change their ethics based on if this law changed in the UK. This also considers Christians and the sanctity of life (specifically Christian doctors). It is lesson 4 of a unit, but could also be used as a standalone lesson. The unit can be purchased at a reduced price.
This lesson is the final lesson of the unit, but can be used as a standalone lesson. The focus is capital punishment from a medical ethic perspective. Including a case study on Derek Bentley and the logistics in making it legal (professions that would have to agree to it) - Draws on Christian medical professionals and the sanctity of life. This can be bought as a bundle at a reduced cost.
This is a lesson in a unit sequence, but can be used as a standalone lesson. It is about what determines a persons quality of life, looking at the different factors and whether it is subjective or objective. The key focus is dementia and doll therapy with a small mention of voluntary euthanasia (which can be linked to the following lesson in the unit if you are using the whole unit). This lesson can be purchased as a part of a bundle at a reduced cost.
This is the second lesson in a 6 lesson unit based on different medical ethical dilemmas, which are applied to everyday life, whilst incorporating religion, this lesson specifically applies the issue to Jehovah’s Witnesses’. This includes a printed reading, both a standard version, and a highlighted version to help EAL students depict the key sentences. This lesson can also be bough as a part of the bundle at a discounted price.
This is the introductory lesson for a unit on medical ethics for religious studies. This is a part of a 6 lesson unit looking at different medical ethical dilemmas (Blood/organ donation, euthanasia, quality of life, abortion and capital punishment). This can be purchased as a part of a bundle at a discounted price.